Modern Initiatives for Sustainable Food Production

  • Publication Year: 2022
  • ISBN: 9781774690222
  • Price: $160
  • Publisher: Delve Publishing
  • Binding Type: Hardcover

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The outcomes of modern initiatives of sustainable food production can be positive for food productivity, reduced pollution and overall improving the global living environment. Consequential environmental problems associated with the production and consumption of food include climate change, water pollution, water scarcity, soil degradation, eutrophication of water bodies, and loss of habitats and biodiversity. This book deals with all aspect of food systems as they intersect with the science and practice of sustainability, including its environmental, economic and social justice dimensions.

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Friedrich Huth has a background in Business Economics with a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Brandenburg, Germany. He further specialized in Corporate Finance at the Institute of International Studies at the Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok. When a type 4 arthrosis diagnosis ended his career as a professional Athlete and Captain of the German U16/U18 Basketball National Team at an early age, he dedicated his life to helping a variety of small and medium sized companies grow their business as Operations, Marketing and Finance Manager while personally exploring measures to cure his joint-condition and regain his physical abilities. Thus, he started working on functional nutrition in 2017 when he became a first line member of Her1, an Ecommerce startup for Nutritional Supplements. Currently he is responsible for a unit of consultants with focus on all German Companies in the Agriculture, Life Science, Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industries. Due to his professional environment he is exposed to first line insights on the practices and strategies of the main players in related fields to modern food production. His approach to Food Production and Nutrition is based on his personal nutrition-induced full recovery from a condition with a prognosis to be irreversible, mixed with his professional interest in micro- & macroeconomic trends and correlations.

Sara D. Garduno-Diaz has a background in nutrition with a PhD in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom; she has further specialized in Sports Nutrition with the International Olympics Committee, Switzerland. Dr Diaz has worked as Research Fellow for several EU-funded research projects and was awarded research grants from CONACYT (Mexico) and the BBSRC (UK). She currently works as Nutrition Consultant for companies in Germany, Kuwait, England and the United States. Dr Diaz has been working on functional nutrition and wellness since 2014 when she co-founded her first company. Since then she has joined various start-ups as part of the R&D department.
Dr Diaz sits on the editorial board of various international journals. She is the author of several peer-reviewed publications and books. Her research interests include the dietary patterns of migrant populations and their impact on health, as well as investigating the environmental factors that influence food selection. Dr. Garduno-Diaz is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Overseas Dietetics Association, Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise & Sport, and the World Public Health Nutrition Association, for whom she is a member of the executive committee.
With over 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition, and having lived and worked in various continents, Dr Diaz's approach to food is one of integrating strategies to design individual programs based on her client's wellness needs. Dr Sara advocates for real food and the art of sustainable eating.