Applied Nutrition and Food Technology

  • Publication Year: 2020
  • ISBN: 9781774071502
  • Price: $160
  • Publisher: Delve Publishing
  • Binding Type: Hardcover

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Applied Nutrition and Food Technology introduces the readers to the application of technology in the field of food and technology, as it goes on to explain what food technology is and updates the people with the history of food science. Listing the various principles of food technology and preservation. Also discussed in the book are the methods of food technology, the role of fruits, vegetables, meat and the products based on it, in providing the required nutrition to the people. It also provides the readers with knowledge on the preservation practices in the storage of meat and meat-based products, discussing the future possibilities in the field of applied nutrition and food technology.

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Cristina Garcia Jaime is a Spanish food specialist who studied Food Quality and Technology in the University of Granada and Human Nutrition and Dietetics in Pablo de Olavide University (Seville). She has worked in different food areas: scientific, industry and clinic. Currently, she has founded a company established in Europe and called "Foodise" dedicated to help small business and companies to manage all issues related to food.